Book Reading Challenge: Book No: 19

“I Can’t Stop!” A story about Tourette Syndrome

by Holly l Niner  and illustrated by Meryl Treatner

Nathan was told off by his parents for continually winking, in class he continually sniffed.  A couple of weeks later his head would snap down to one side and his best friend didn’t understand.  Nathan was scared and confused, sometimes he knew it was happening, other times he didn’t, and it was especially embarrassing when other kids started laughing at him.  When his parents took him eventually to a special doctor it was finally diagnosed as Tourette Syndrome, a mostly genetic disorder.  After it had been clearly explained to them, and how they, and Nathan deal with it,  Nathan became brave enough to tell his friend, and along with his Mum told the class.  Nathan found that once others knew about his condition they understood, even the teacher looked for ways to help Nathan, and when other kids made fun of him he wasn’t worried, because best of all his friend understood.

I was returning some books to the library and as I was talking to the librarian, of all things about “Wild Orchid”, I spotted this on the shelf.  I thought immediately of my Children’s Hub friend, Patricia, her lovely new blog with her focus on children and teens with special needs.  Along with her broad range I felt sure she would love to know about Holly and her books.  Holly’s son has OCD obsessive-compulsive disorder – see her book “Mr Worry”.  She not only beautifully explained about Tourette Syndrome but shows children how to be understanding and caring to those who have it.  Her note to parents and teachers in the front of this book educates us.  There is no cure for TS, they appear as tics or jerks or twitches, and they may vary over hours, days or weeks.  Some 20 percent of children have Tic‘s some not even know it, and therefore are never treated, or known. Understanding and accepting  it is a neurologic disorder like migraines, seizures or autism, it does not stop most affected people from having the jobs and life they want.   Her website is

About Diane Tulloch

Known also as the Patientdreamer I am a writer who loves to dream, and is passionate about writing stories for the young so that they may join me in the wonders of adventure in countries and cultures afar, and in special moments to remember.
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5 Responses to Book Reading Challenge: Book No: 19

  1. Joanna says:

    I think some of the biggest trauma, for all concerned, is when such things go undiagnosed/unrecognized. What a relief for Nathan, his parents, his friends, his teacher to understand and make room for, his uniqueness. Bet you want to read Mr Worry, now 🙂

  2. Thanks Joanna, Yes I do. You know sometimes we hide things away from people because we feel different, or think people will not understand, therefore it is never properly explained/diagnosed or recognised. I was very happy for Nathan.

  3. Patricia says:

    Great post Diane. I was surprised to learn that Tourette Syndrome falls under the autism spectrum disorder. I think this has to be so hard on children — and the teasing can be relentless if not handled by teachers and the school system. I know a couple of children, and an adult man who have Tourette’s. I am so glad you shared this book. And I hope your review Mr. Worry, as it is another disability that children need to understand. We all are different in our own unique way, and that makes us special. Tahnk you for mentioning my blog! I appreciate it very much.

  4. You are very welcome Patricia. When I saw this book sitting on the shelf it was like it was waiting for me to pick it up. One can only imagine the teasing some people must get because of their disability no matter how severe or mild it is. I will look for “Mr Worry” when I take this book back over the weekend.

  5. Pingback: I Can’t Stop! – Tourette Syndrome « Children's Books Heal

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