She Made It!!!

Yes that cute little traveller finally made it down under yesterday afternoon.  Unfortunately I was working so I picked her up late afternoon, and luckily today have time off work to show her around my lovely city.  If you haven’t heard of her before let me introduce you to Punxsutawney Phyllis, Weather prophet Extraordinaire and now World Traveller Extraordinaire groundhog.  Phyllis lives mainly in New York with Susanna her creator and the wiry little groundhog has decided to flex her muscles and see the world, with a bit of help from some fellow writers.  Enough from me here is Phyllis to tell you about her first night here, in Auckland.

Kia ora!

Hi!  G’day! …  That’s what Kia ora simply means.  Yep! I’m already starting to sound like a kiwi and I have only been in the country less than 24 hours.   Boy!  What a long, long flight that was getting here…   I thought I would be all bushy-eyed and raring to go when I got here …   well you know me…hehe…   But my lovely host suggested taking it easy the first night, and I am sooooo glad she suggested that I do.  After she picked me up from the local Post Office I was taken back to her lovely home… see.  This is the back looking out towards the city 

and this is the front, yep that’s me on the letter box with a little friend who loves to read.

They have just had their house freshly painted this Christmas.  I enjoyed wandering around their backyard looking in at all the nooks and crannys, smelling the beautiful flowers, shooing the sparrows, the odd fantail and black birds trying to feed from the little bird house they had nailed to a palm tree.

 Diane’s hubby, Ian cooked a scrumptious BBQ  served with new potatoes and  beans from out of their garden.   Followed by the famous Hokey Pokey Icecream…. Yumm ! 

I am just so hooked on Hokey Pokey Icecream!  This one is made in Motueka, NZ.  One thing you can guarantee on when you first come to New Zealand, is a real good feed.  They sure know how to impress with food.  Another thing I soon learned is the friendliness of everyone.  Always lots of hugs and everyone calling each other “bro” or “sis” or “cuzzie”… seems we are all one big family.

Diane tried to teach me some Maori words … like “ Kai”… meaning food, or plenty of food,  “Whanau”… meaning family, or extended family.  She said I was now part of her Whanau…aww, sucks!  “Iti”…. Is small,  “puku”…. Stomach and “Iwi” .. meaning people, nation,  and “aroha”… meaning love, compassion and tenderness.  These people sure have a lot of that.

It was getting really late,  the weather forecast on tv said expect 22degC tomorrow with sunny skies and light winds, after a low of 9degC, which is pretty cold for them here. They are in the last stages of summer heading into what they call “autumn” (which we call back home “fall”).  Daylight saving finishes next week here.   It’s midnight Monday here now and 4am in the morning in Los Angeles as I climb slowly the 15 steps to the first landing to my bed, in New York it is 7am Monday morning, as I make my way along MY WING, it is 8pm Monday night in Seoul….  My very OWN BED, so pretty and with friends to snuggle up with.  Diane said we have a big day tomorrow, lots to see and do and a special someone waiting to see me….mmm, I wonder who it is…*yawns*… Oh this is so nice ….. *face in the pillow*…. Soooo tired…..night all….ZZZZzzzzzzzzz

Tune in tomorrow for more of Phyllis’s adventures in the big city here in Auckland when she gets a taste of culture, heights and … is there love in the air…. I wonder….lol.  See ya tomorrow!

About Diane Tulloch

Known also as the Patientdreamer I am a writer who loves to dream, and is passionate about writing stories for the young so that they may join me in the wonders of adventure in countries and cultures afar, and in special moments to remember.
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36 Responses to She Made It!!!

  1. What fun! Love the teddies — and what a pretty bed she got to sleep in!

    • Holly Molly! I only just posted this…. boy your quick…LOL. Yes I have a lovely wing of 2 bedrooms and a bathroom solely for visitors…. lol. So Phyllis got to enjoy having some quiet time before her big adventures. Thanks Beth.

  2. Oh, my! She is one lucky groundhog! What a lovely home and tasty looking “feed” and so nice to have her own wing and that beautiful cozy bed! I’m so excited that she made it safely to New Zealand! I hope you have a great time with her, and I can’t wait to see what you have in store for her tomorrow! 🙂

  3. So far, I love Phyllis’ visit to NZ. After a good night’s sleep, she’ll be ready to tour the rest of New Zealand. Love her first night. Will look forward to tomorrow’s post. She’s got to be mixed up with the change from spring to fall.

  4. Cathy Ballou Mealey says:

    Love learning Maori words with you Phyllis!

    Please bring some Hokey Pokey ice cream home to the US with you!

    • Hi Cathy, cool so glad you are enjoying this and learning something new. Mmmm now if I could work out a way to send some Hokey Pokey ice cream back with Phyllis…… (that would be interesting)…lol.

  5. Catherine Johnson says:

    Fantastic post Diane, wish I was there too. I love your house! See you soon Phyllis. Kia Ora. Sweet as!

  6. Kia Ora! YAYYY! She made it!!! What’s in Hokey Pokey Ice Cream? I can’t wait to see what Phyllis does next! I hope she meets a Kiwi (bird)! 🙂

  7. Darlene says:

    Now we all want to come for a visit! Have fun tomorrow.

    • LOL……. you are very welcome Darlene….LOL.
      my husband might get a shock with all the people and mostly women turning up … but then hes a big softy.

      • Darlene says:

        Sounds like my hubby. I keep inviting friends to stay over and he welcomes them with warmth and patience. Since they are often girlfriends, he dissapears so we can talk. NIce to have understanding fellows in our lives.

  8. It so amazing all the places Phyllis has traveled! Not only is she getting to travel the world, but she is teaching everyone along the way! Thanks for the Maori words!

    Enjoy your stay Phyllis!

    • Thankyou Eric… It’s amazing what we are learning as she travels around, I certainly agree with you. Join us tomorrow for the rest of Phyllis’s stay.

  9. Thank you so much, Diane. I know that Phyllis is going to have a wonderful time at your home…wish I could fit in an International Priority envelope. 🙂
    What fun to learn all of these new words…and the BBQ and ice cream sound heavenly!

  10. LOL… Thankyou Vivian, yeah there have been times when I wish I could fit in an International Priority envelope…lol. Your welcome.

  11. tinamcho says:

    I’m glad Phyllis safely arrived. You have a beautiful home. I love the culture you’re exposing us to! So what does Hokey-pokey ice cream taste like? And so neat you have the time for Phyllis in all the major cities! Can’t wait to read more adventures.

    • I to am glad Tina and thankyou very much for your kind comment. Hokey-pokey ice-cream is like toffey ice-cream with crunchie bits in it….. a little like caramel.

  12. Joanna says:

    Kia Ora, Phyllis, she is receiving some wonderful renowned Kiwi hospitality, I see. I glad she got to partake in an Ian BBQ special! She looks very snug with those Teds!

  13. LOL.. thankyou Joanna. Yes she sure is getting pampered here… I am so glad she arrived safely.

  14. Yum! The Hokey Pokey Ice Cream sounds delicious…I’m quite sure I would want to put my right hand and my left hand in it :0

  15. LOL…… oh very witty Penny, very witty!… lol. Yeah the Ice-cream is very, very nice.

  16. MissieK says:

    Wonderful to hear she made it safely 🙂 Looks like she’s having a wonderful time already.

  17. Rebecca Fyfe says:

    Cute! Loved her being tucked into bed with the teddy bears! Not surprised about having the barbecue though – who wouldn’t with such beautiful sunny weather? 🙂

  18. sunriseovertheiceberg says:

    A good feed is really the best part about traveling to new places! And you shared the ice cream recipe in the comments – wonderful! I love the Maori words, we’ll be practicing them around here. Thank you!

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