Holiday Post


Hi! I’m back.    Yep I guess you gathered that by now.  What a lovely IMG_3734holiday we had.  We spent the first five days with my young brother and his ever-growing family of four boys out near the Gold Coast of Australia and then headed on up to Cairns for a family wedding.  My husband’s nephew was getting married.  Although he and his wife to be, live back in NZ near us, both their parents live in Cairns so it was only natural IMG_3920that the wedding be held there. We stayed on for another five days up there which was bliss with the weather being  31degC every day.  I told my husband that when we retire I will gladly spend a couple of months during our winter there with his brother and family.  They would love it of course.

Anyway I wanted to talk a little about my time with my young nephews near the Gold Coast.  Such a lively bunch of boys with the oldest (15yrs) being away at Air Cadets camp while we were there.  We did manage to catch up with him on the last night before we left and enjoyed a wonderful evening meal out with them all.  We love spoiling them having arrived with the usual gifts, like sweets, books and a table-football game that had to be erected before being played.  We spent most of our time with the three younger ones aged between 5 and 9yrs.  Playing ten pin bowling, swimming, climbing trees, walking in parks, riding a ferris wheel, shopping (they love lego) and eating out (well it’s a treat when Auntie and Uncle from NZ come over).  One of my treasured memories is when their Mum yelled for them to get in their PJ’s after their showers and head for the bedroom where she would read them a story before lights out.   Three boys curled up in bunk beds I heard her ask if they wanted the normal version or the funny one.   “Funny one please” was the chorus.  I tiptoed to the doorway and stood and watched as she read her interpretation of a story I knew (sorry  the title escapes me at present).   They giggled every time she came up with names of “farty-pants” and “bug-a-lugs” slipping in her own storyline.  It was such fun to watch their reaction while she sat cross-legged in her PJ’s on the floor.  Such treasured memories to remember.

It was while listening in on the story-telling that I realised here was an opportunity to ask the boys a few questions about the type of books they love to read or have read to them.  Here is what came out of my one on one interviews with them…..

J is 5 years old

IMG_3786Me: What kind of books do you like, and why?

J:  Scooby-Doo  because it is funny and it has a bird in it.

Me:  Do you like books with pictures or story?

J:  With mostly pictures.

Me:  If there was a bad person and a good person in it who do you like the most, and why?

J:  I like the good person, because they don’t get hit and they are the best.

Me:  So if I were to make you a book what must it have in it?

J:  Scooby-Doo with Schaggy and be real funny.

Me:  Do you like to read?

J:  Yes.

Me:  For a gift would you like a book or prefer something else?

J:  I would like something else, like star wars toys.

(well he’s honest)

H is 7 years old

IMG_3787Me: What kind of books do you like, and why?

H:  Funny ones with jokes, because they make me laugh.

Me:  Do you like books with pictures or story?

H:  both

Me:  If there was a bad person and a good person in it who do you like the most, and why?

H:  good person because they are better, more powerful, have lots of energy and save the world.

Me:  So if I were to make you a book what must it have in it?

H:  jokes please.

Me:  Do you like to read?

H:  Yes.

Me:  For a gift would you like a book or prefer something else?

H:   probably something else,  toys.


E is 9 years old

IMG_3789Me:  What kind of books do you like, and why?

E:  Ones with twists in them, and joke books, because they are fun to read.

Me:  Do you like books with pictures or story?

E:   Both.

Me:  If there was a bad person and a good person in it who do you like the most, and why?

E:  Good person, because they are stronger, and it makes for a good ending, they are winners.

Me:  So if I were to make you a book what must it have in it?

E:  A good guy and a bad guy in it.  Must have adventure and I like science stuff as well.

Me:  Do you like to read?

E:   Yes.

Me:  For a gift would you like a book or prefer something else?

E:  I would like a book, I like books.

Well that concludes my holiday post, I decided to change my header with a couple of pics of the boys for a change.  Loved our fun filled holiday.  The other day 9 year old discovered he could get me on skype on his iphone, clever kid!

About Diane Tulloch

Known also as the Patientdreamer I am a writer who loves to dream, and is passionate about writing stories for the young so that they may join me in the wonders of adventure in countries and cultures afar, and in special moments to remember.
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18 Responses to Holiday Post

  1. What a fun holiday for all!!! Very interesting interviews!

  2. I am glad you had such a wonderful holiday with family. Kids are so honest. Your nephews really enjoy reading and being read to, but at that age they like toys. Although I loved books, I would have said the same thing — until I reached about 9 yrs. I think that is the age where kids are reading independently and find the true joy of books. I knew I would have said books at age 9, because I loved Pippi Longstocking and other books.

    • Oh yes, they are so honest. Loud and full of energy too…lol. It wasn’t till after I left that I also thought of another idea to do with reading, but of course it’s a bit late now (I always think of great ideas But I did have a lot of fun with them. Big hugs in the morning, showing us how they can swim and dive, and when in the van or eating out jostling for the seat next to Auntie, so funny. I love and miss them.

  3. Hahaha – wonderful post, the interviews had me smiling all the way! Glad you had such a good time!

    • lol… they are very funny, Julie. Typical boys, loud and full of fun and energy. Glad you liked the interviews. It was just a quick question time with them as they are hard to keep still…lol. I had a great time, all too short, unfortunately.

  4. Darlene says:

    What fun ages your nephews are. Sounds like you had a great time. I enjoyed the interviews and was pleased to hear the 9 year old enjoyed adventure in the books he reads. I woudl love to visit Cairns one day. My grandson inlaw is working in New Plymouth for the next month. Is that near you?

    • Oh wow! New Plymouth is like about 5 hours away by car. There is one steep windy road I hate travelling on to get there…lol. But it is a lovely place. Will he ever come up to Auckland? If so please tell him to give us a call, mention your name and we would love to meet him. My email is: . I did enjoy my time away with my nephews they are such a lively bunch. Adorable! I meant to take a copy of one of your books for the 9 year old to read. Now a perfect idea for Christmas. 🙂

      • Darlene says:

        Thanks Diane. I will pass on your info in case he is in your area. How kind of you. He has sent pictures and teh area does look lovely. I do hope your nephew enjoys Amanda’s travels.

  5. What fun! Great idea to interview them. Thanks for sharing their answers. Sounds like you had an awesome time and that they enjoyed you as much as you enjoyed them…maybe more…you brought gifts and went on fun adventures 🙂

  6. Catherine Johnson says:

    Welcome back, Diane. It sounds a wonderful trip and thanks a lot for sharing their thoughts on stories!

  7. Hmm… Is E’s name… ERIK??? 😉 They sound like nice boys, and E sounds a lot like me! 😀 Great interviews! 😀 Glad you had fun!

    • Hi Erik, no sorry his name is Eddison. They are lovely, lively boys. Yes I would say Eddie is a bit like you, very clever with school and loves to read. I did enjoy my time with them.

  8. cassam101 says:

    What a gorgeous bride! A lovely break for you to have with your family. The questions the boys answered were very interesing and just shows what the age difference does in terms of what they read. I’m even finding such a big difference between a two year old and a three year old. such a lot of growing up done in one year.

    • Thank you so much. I did enjoy my break away. it is amazing the difference in interests etc… with kids these days. They become very independent early on I find. Thanks for popping on. Nice to see you. I am enjoying reading your travel stories too.

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